Wednesday, June 18, 2008

S/ash (slash) di IPv4 Addr yang membingungkan (2)

Hi !!

we will continue this subject... Yah off course there is still some information we need to discuss about IP subnetting. but don't worry, it will be very very simple. ;)

in previous subject, we knew what the meaning of the number behind the slash (binary), now we will discuss about the conversion from the binary to decimal, here we are....:

Q: how come the 11111111 be 255 in decimal? Okay... I know I have told you before, it is converted. But do you know how to convert it, do you? or may be the right question is, do you remember how to do it? yeah, that's it what i mean. (

this picture below will shows how it does:

see, there are eight of number 1, and each one has the calculation. And the blue colored number is the result of the calculation. And if we calculate each result, such as:

128 + 64 + 32 + 16 + 8 + 4 + 2 + 1

the summarized result is 255

hmmm... it still confusing!!

okay, next question...
Q: how about slash eight (/8), what is the format in the subnet? (quiet easy question isn't it?)

in binary will be 11111111.00000000.00000000.00000000
and in decimal will be

another question
Q: how about /16, /24, /10, /18, etc?
A: ..... :-/
grrrrrggghhhhhh, GGRRRRRRGGGHHHHH!!

i will answer the /10, the rest i will leave it to you
in binary will be 11111111.11000000.00000000.00000000
and in decimal will be

hahaha, quiet bored?

Okay than,
have a nice day and counting!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

belajar biner lagi T_T, pak jeff no bikin punyeng, hehee

itung aja jumlah angka satunya, satu satu aku cayank... :D